Airports are often seen as the ultimate symbol of modern travel, but they come with a hefty environmental price tag. From noise pollution to carbon emissions, these transportation hubs can have a negative impact on the planet. However, there is hope:


Horticulture originates from the Latin words "Hortus" meaning "garden" and "culture" meaning "cultivation"

Horticulture is more than just scenery at airports; it is a way of going green that has the power to transform airport spaces into havens that benefit passengers and the planet. By incorporating plants and greenery into airport design, we can create more sustainable, healthier and visually appealing spaces for travellers and workers alike.

Below mentioned are some benefits of implementing horticulture at Airports

Improve Air Quality: Airports are a significant source of air pollution, but the integration of plants into airport infrastructure can effectively address this problem. Plants function as natural air filters, effectively eliminating harmful pollutants and enhancing air quality in enclosed spaces. Moreover, airports are typically large, open spaces and managing temperature and humidity levels can be difficult. In this regard, plants can play a crucial role in regulating temperature and humidity, thereby reducing the need for energy-intensive heating and cooling systems.

Noise reduction: Airports are often noisy places due to the constant sound of planes taking off and landing. However, horticulture can help mitigate this issue by absorbing sound waves. Plants act as natural sound barriers, with their leaves, stems and branches all contributing to the absorption of sound. By implementing horticulture at airports, we can create a more peaceful environment for both travellers and staff.

Enhance Aesthetics: The incorporation of horticulture in airport design has the potential to bring about significant changes. By introducing plants and flowers, airport spaces can be enhanced aesthetically, resulting in a more welcoming environment for passengers. The addition of natural elements can infuse colour and beauty, ultimately contributing to a visually pleasing atmosphere. This, in turn, may aid in reducing stress and anxiety levels and create a more enjoyable travel experience for passengers.

Improve Customer Experience: A green airport can help passengers feel more relaxed and comfortable. Indoor plants are by far the easiest and most affordable form of mood uplifters, while fresh flowers instantly make a person feel stronger and more positive. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction and increased revenue for airport businesses. In addition to benefiting travellers, horticulture at airports can also provide opportunities for staff to engage with nature and take a break from the hectic pace of airport work.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, horticulture can also create economic opportunities by generating jobs in landscaping, maintenance and related fields. Airports can sell plants and flowers to both generate revenue and attract visitors interested in horticulture.

GEMS - Elevating the beauty of airports with horticulture

GEMS has a successful history of designing, nurturing, supervising and preserving landscapes, with a special emphasis on their horticultural aspects. The team at GEMS is composed of proficient experts, particularly horticulturists, irrigation engineers, and landscape supervisors, who are committed to crafting a greener and more delightful setting for travellers while prioritizing the flourishing of plant life.

GEMS offers a range of services that focus on integrating green technologies and biophilic design principles into airport construction projects. The below-mentioned services enable airports to transition into eco-friendly facilities that prioritize sustainability and the well-being of their passengers:

  • Soft and hard Landscaping
  • Tree Plantation – Road Side, Parks
  • Irrigation System - Installation, Operation & Maintenance of automatic drip and sprinkler irrigation system
  • Earthwork & field shaping
  • Exterior Landscape Management
  • Interior Landscape Management
  • Nursery Management
  • Creating and maintaining water features

GEMS facilitates its partners in streamlining their processes, cutting emissions and deploying planet-friendly solutions while keeping their bottom lines healthy. By partnering with GEMS, airports can streamline their processes, reduce emissions and implement planet-friendly solutions while maintaining financial sustainability.

If you need any services, drop us a mail at or get in touch with us at +919717199753.