Management of Manpower and Assets in Engineering Operations for the airport industry

The airport industry is a highly complex and dynamic sector that requires careful management of manpower and assets to ensure smooth operations. Engineering operations in particular play a critical role in maintaining airport infrastructure, equipment, and facilities to ensure safe and efficient operations. Let’s explore the challenges faced by airport management in managing manpower and assets in engineering operations and discuss some best practices that can be implemented to optimize these processes.

The difficulties faced in managing manpower and assets in engineering operations

The airport industry operates 24/7 and requires a large and diverse workforce to maintain and operate the facilities. Manpower management is a critical aspect of engineering operations in the airport industry. Airport industries need to ensure that they have the right people with the right skills in the right place and at the right time to keep the airport running smoothly.

There are some of the following challenges that airport industries face in managing manpower in engineering operations:

Labour-Intensive Operations: Engineering operations in the airport industry are labour-intensive and the workforce requires specialized skills and training to operate and maintain complex equipment and facilities.

Seasonal Fluctuations:The airport industry experiences seasonal fluctuations in passenger traffic, which affects the demand for engineering services. Airport industries need to plan and adjust their workforce to meet the fluctuating demand for services.

Talent Management:In a highly competitive industry, airport industries need to attract and retain top talent to ensure that their engineering operations are running at optimal levels.

Asset management is another critical aspect of engineering operations in the airport industry. Airports are complex facilities with a vast array of assets, including buildings, runways, taxiways, terminals, and various types of equipment. Effective asset management is essential to ensure that these assets are maintained and optimized to support airport operations.

There are some of the following challenges that airport industries face in managing assets in engineering operations:

Asset Life Cycle Management: The airport industry requires long-term asset planning, including asset acquisition, maintenance, and replacement. Airport industries need to implement effective asset life cycle management strategies to ensure that their assets are maintained and optimized throughout their useful life.

Asset Tracking: With so many assets to manage, it can be challenging for airport industries to track and maintain accurate records of all their assets. Effective asset tracking systems can help to ensure that assets are adequately managed and maintained.

Budget Constraints:

The airport industry is often subject to budget constraints and airport industries need to balance the need for maintenance and upgrades with available resources.

Best Practices for Manpower and Asset Management in Engineering Operations

To overcome the challenges of managing manpower and assets in engineering operations in the airport industry, airport industries can implement several best practices, including the following:

Workforce Planning: Airport industries should implement workforce planning strategies that take into account the seasonal fluctuations in demand for engineering services. This may include hiring temporary workers or contracting out services during peak periods.

Skills Development: Airport industries should invest in the development of their workforce by providing training and development opportunities to ensure that their staffs have the necessary skills to operate and maintain complex equipment and facilities.

Maintenance Management: Implementing an effective maintenance management system is critical to ensuring that assets are adequately maintained and optimized throughout their useful life. This includes developing maintenance schedules, tracking maintenance activities, and performing regular inspections.

Asset Tracking: Implementing an effective asset tracking system can help airport industries to manage and maintain accurate records of their assets, including their location, condition, and maintenance history.

Performance Metrics: Measuring and tracking performance metrics is essential to evaluating the effectiveness of manpower and asset management strategies. Key performance indicators may include equipment uptime, maintenance costs, and workforce productivity.


In conclusion, effective management of manpower and assets is essential to ensure safe and efficient engineering operations in the airport industry. Airport industries face numerous challenges, such as labour-intensive operations, seasonal fluctuations, and budget constraints. However, implementing best practices such as workforce planning, skills development, maintenance management, asset tracking, and performance metrics can help to overcome these challenges.

Moreover, for modern technological solutions, GEMS (GMR Engineering and Management Services) can help airport industries streamline their engineering operations. GEMS has got a cloud-based asset management solution that provides real-time tracking, maintenance scheduling, and performance monitoring for all ground support equipment. With GEMS, airport industries can optimize their asset utilization, reduce maintenance costs, and improve overall operational efficiency.

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