Ground Power Units (GPU): A Crucial Element of Airport Ground Handling

When an aircraft is in flight, its engines serve a dual role – propelling the aircraft and generating the necessary electrical power. Upon landing, pilots often keep at least one engine running to power the aircraft movement along with the aircraft's electrical systems, including essential lighting and communication equipment. However, as the aircraft reaches its stand, the need for thrust ceases, yet the demand for power persists. Continuous power supply remains essential during passenger disembarkation, servicing and preparation for the next flight.

The decision to keep engines running on the ground poses safety risks for ground personnel and leads to unnecessary fuel consumption and emissions. This is where Aircraft Ground Power Units (GPUs) step in, helping in efficient airport ground handling and ensuring safe and timely aircraft operation.

How does a Ground Power Unit work?

In simplified terms, an Aircraft Ground Power Unit (GPU) is a box connected to an aircraft with a cable. It generates power at a specific frequency (400 Hz) and voltage (115 Volt) needed by an aircraft's electrical systems. Before shutting down its engines, the aircraft's pilot connects the GPU to maintain an uninterrupted power supply. The GPU operator conducts pre-flight checks to ensure its functionality.

Types of GPUs

Based on Mobility

There are three main categories of GPUs based on their mobility

Fixed Type: These GPUs are permanently installed at specific aircraft stands and cannot be moved. They provide consistent power to aircraft at those stands, eliminating the need for towing or repositioning.

Bridge Mounted: These GPUs are mounted underneath jet bridges. As the jet bridge moves towards the aircraft during boarding or disembarkation, the GPU moves along with it. Once Jet bridge is docked to Aircraft, the GPU supply is connected to Aircraft, ensuring a constant power supply.

Mobile: Mobile GPUs are portable units that can be moved to various aircraft stands as needed. They offer flexibility, In general, these units are powered by diesel engines thus require fuel (in the case of fuel-powered units). Now a days electric powered mobile GPUs are available, which are better alternatives. Additionally, these units need towing vehicles for transportation.

Based on the Power Source

The source of power for GPUs varies, impacting their efficiency, environmental impact and versatility. There are three main types of GPUs based on their power source

Fuel or Engine Powered GPUs: These GPUs use engines, such as diesel or small turbine engines, to generate power. They offer mobility but come with noise, emissions and maintenance concerns.

Solid State GPUs: These GPUs convert the standard 50/60 Hz power supply from the grid into the required 400 Hz frequency. They have no moving parts, reducing noise and maintenance requirements.

Battery-Powered GPUs: Battery-powered GPUs are a greener alternative. They store power from the grid and provide it to the aircraft as needed. They eliminate emissions and noise, making them an environmentally friendly option.

Considerations for Selecting GPUs

Selecting the right GPU for your operations involves careful evaluation of several factors

  • Compatibility :Ensure the GPU can provide the required power specifications for the aircraft types you service.
  • Environmental Impact: Consider the emissions, noise levels and overall carbon footprint associated with the chosen GPU type.
  • Operational Needs: Evaluate whether fixed, bridge-mounted, or mobile GPUs align better with your operational requirements.
  • Maintenance: Different GPU types have varying maintenance demands. Choose a type that fits your maintenance capabilities and schedule.
  • Cost Efficiency: Factor in the initial investment, fuel consumption, maintenance costs and potential fuel savings when making your decision.

How GEMS can help?

GEMS, a part of GMR Aero Services, is here to help with your ground support equipment needs. We provide tailored solutions for efficiency and accuracy. Our range of Ground Power Units (GPUs) and Bridge Mounted Equipment ensures smooth ground operations and bridge maintenance. With our know-how and customer-centered approach, we offer cost-effective leasing and complete services, including compliance help, emissions reduction and centralized support.

Experience GEMS advantage of

  • Managing 100+ GPUs of 90 KVA / 400 Hz
  • Facilitating compliance to DGCA Guidelines
  • Green management by reducing Apron emissions
  • Single point of contact for a multitude of services

If you need any services, drop us a mail at or get in touch with us at +919717199753.

With GEMS, your aviation operations gain a competitive edge through reliability, environmental consciousness and streamlined services.